Thursday, May 24, 2012

Unwavering Determination

 “A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” - Colin Powell

Sometimes I think children believe dreams magically come true. Maybe it is the way we raise them, trying to make their lives easier and better than ours were, or maybe we let them watch too many Disney movies. I don’t pretend to be a perfect parent. In fact, I’m not even sure I’m a good parent, but I want my children to know that they will have to work hard, with a high level of determination, to get the things they want out of life. So far, I think Evan probably understands this concept best.

Like any four year old, he is determined to get his own way, and trust me, he has some amazing negotiating skills. He is also determined to act like his sister, which is not entirely a bad thing. He is determined to do anything for a laugh and to push his boundaries. However, unlike most four year olds, he is determined to walk and run as normally as possible, he is determined to succeed in swimming lessons despite his cerebral palsy, and he is determined to use his right hand when he needs to.

Watching him be so focused has rubbed off on us. Marvin and I are determined to make sure Evan has as normal a life as possible. We are determined to let him be independent and try things out for himself before we jump in. We are determined to not help him unless he asks for help. We are determined to support him and serve as his advocates when he needs us.

So, today’s special thing about Evan is that he is determined, and he has helped us be determined as well.


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