Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 15

Just finished my walk/run with Lilly this evening. Pretty uneventful for me, but exciting for Lilly. There were birds, squirrels, leaves, and a bunch of cool smells to keep her going. Fortunately for me, she keeps me going!

Had an interesting discussion with Olivia today. We talk alot about Evan having a stroke, but we never really talk about strokes in general - what causes them, what happens to people who have strokes, why it's so serious, and what can be done to prevent them. Today, she started asking all of those questions, and I had an "a-ha" moment. After listening to her Dad explain to her about strokes and how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle, I decided that I am going to be more healthy for my family and for myself. Let's face it, Olivia and I are both at risk of suffering from a stroke, so I have to be a good example for her and for Evan!


Olivia had a playdate with her friend Claire today, so she drew a picture of them together. Love their headbands or hats - maybe she was inspired by the royal wedding:)

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