Saturday, June 4, 2011


For those of  you who were wondering, I successfully completed days 30 and 31, but I haven't had a chance to update the blog.

I have learned alot on this 31 day journey - about myself and about what Evan goes through on a daily basis. I know he works really hard, but hard work is important and totally worth it.

I would like to thank my inspiration, Evan, for being my hero and helping me get up and moving every day. I would like to thank my fellow-streaker, Olivia, for her commitment to her brother. Finally, I would like to thank my husband, Marvin, for scanning Olivia's pictures each day, for encouraging me through my 31 day streak, and for being proud of me.


Olivia's drawing for Day 30 features some  heads, with wigs on, letting people know that kids have strokes too. Love the one with the purple hair!

Olivia's picture for Day 31 is her Kinder teacher, Mrs. Hindman, being a fashion model. Olivia is holding her hand because Mrs. Hindman is nervous. Some of her classmates are behind  her!